Installing a commercial solar system makes a great deal of sense for almost any organization. Solar panel engineering lowers electric bills now and insures that your organization is less vulnerable to energy rate hikes in the future. Additionally, your organization may be eligible for tax incentives and building owners can expect an increased property value. From a public relations standpoint, having an environmentally responsible image is a plus for any organization.
Commercial solar energy system installations can be accomplished by several different methods.
Most commercial buildings have large, flat roofs which are ideal for mounting solar panels, however, some rooftops such as standing seam or sloped can present challenges that only an expert commercial solar contractor can solve. Your solar contractor should subject your roof to a structural engineering analysis and be expert at designing a solar system for any type of rooftop.
After a careful analysis it may be determined that your building’s rooftop is not optimal for a solar panel system. Conditions such as old roofs that cannot withstand the weight of the system or not enough room due to existing equipment will prevent a rooftop solar panel installation. Ground mount and carport installations are excellent options when a rooftop installation is prohibitive.
Ground Mount
If you have plenty of land a ground mount installation could be the solution you need for a solar energy system. It will give you the opportunity to maximize open land potential and generate power for nearby buildings and/or equipment. Ground mounted solar arrays can accommodate small residential systems to large utility size systems. This drives the market to produce a wide range of racking styles and types to meet the needs of almost any size commercial solar system.
Ground mounted systems are anchored to the ground and hold the solar panels. Each panel is supported by rails. The installation can vary depending on the condition of the soil. Beams for the racking system can be installed easily when the ground condition is clear of debris. For situations such as this, a simple design process will suffice. If, on the other hand, poor ground conditions exist, the solar array system will require custom design and engineering in an effort to specify the correct components for the system. This will result in a more sophisticated custom installation.
Solar carports are a great way for organizations to transform parking lots into sustainable energy solutions while providing covered parking to employees and patrons. Carport solar panel systems shade vehicles and provide cover from snow while generating clean energy. Optional charging stations fuel electric vehicles, easily offsetting new EV energy loads. They can also be used to supplement an existing rooftop system. For obvious reasons, solar carports are a rapidly growing sector of the commercial solar market.
Carports are a major undertaking but, with any major improvement comes major rewards. There are many issues to be taken into consideration when designing a carport solar panel system. Your solar contractor must have the expertise and a very specific approach to designing footings and solar array structural systems for carports. Soil, lighting and even landscaping are all part of the total picture. Due to the ever-increasing advantages to carport solar systems your organization will be able to find a complete range of carport solutions that will suit the many diversities of project applications.
Ilumina Energy is skilled in all phases of complex solar projects. Why not give us the opportunity to help you achieve your solar energy goals?