PPA – Power Purchase Agreement

Ilumina Energy provides efficient, diverse, and flexible capital for Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) financing solutions for small businesses, commercial, non profit and institutional facilities.

A Brief description of a PPA is as follows: A third-party developer owns, operates, and maintains the PV system, and a customer agrees to purchase the system’s electric output from the solar service provider for an agreed-upon price and for a predetermined period. The systems may be hosted on site, such as the customer’s roof or land. All maintenance is the responsibility of the PPA owner, the real estate owner, or business owner.

Looking for a Power Purchase Agreement for Large Scale solar energy systems?
Call 908-910-8255 or Contact Us today

What are the benefits of solar sustainability development?

Value: Solar will help you stabilize or reduce your energy costs by replacing the electricity you now buy from your local utility with lower-cost power.

Conservation and Cleanliness: A solar system produces electricity with no emissions, no greenhouse gases, no pollution and no waste products.

Sustainability: There is an endless supply of sunlight as a fuel source – and it’s free.

Independence: You’re generating your own electricity and using it at the location where it’s being produced, avoiding the need for costly electric infrastructure.

Do you have questions regarding project financing? Ask our experts.

At Ilumina Energy, we are hands-on engineers and designers, able to capture your needs without spending your capital. Our in-house personnel have a track record of project success that keep transaction costs low.